Wednesday, November 17, 2010

CO visit and some good times

We hope all our friends are doing good. We just heard about the windstorm in seattle, so we thought we could send some Costa Rican sunshine your way.

We have been really busy for the past couple of weeks, and especially last week with our CO visit. Him and his wife were such a treat for our congregation. So encouraging, and as always great talks that you walked away feeling uplifted, but at the same time with specific things to work on.

Corina and Nyah had an assignment during the visit, and they did really good. So on the day prior (because there is really no good restaurants in Santa Cruz) we went to the beach and had a nice dinner. Nyah was making sandcastles and we could hear the waves crashing. We got to have dessert, Corina got the best one I think...Chocolate Lava Flow...

On the final day of his visit, a brother who has a little cabina on top of this mountain, invited us and about 20 other brothers and sisters. This is the picture where you can see forever, and the sunset. In the night time we could see the big city of Liberia which is about 50 miles from where we were at. And the picture just doesn't do it justice. We were able to pick some sugar cane, and use machetes to cut it down, bananas, and we just had a really good time. The brothers cooked up food, and we had coffee.

There was a couple and his wife got sick, and they had to leave early. Because of the shortage of cars in the area that meant we had to take 15 people down in 2 cars...So you can see one picture of the brothers and sisters in our car. But you don't see Corina, Nyah and myself sitting in front. So we had a total of 9 people. But we all made it home!

We are continuing to enjoy our time, it has been going by really fast. Our neighbors just brought 2 of their dogs, so Nyah is loving them. She keeps buying dog food, to feed to all of the poor, skinny dogs around the area.

We hope you all are doing well, and we hope to hear from you soon.

Friday, November 5, 2010

El aseo (hall cleaning)

Here are some of the pictures from last months hall cleaning. As you can see in the parking lot we had quite a few weeds to pull, and every month the sisters take out the chairs and mop the floor, and clean all the windows.

We have also started to make a little block wall around the kingdom hall because during the rainy season they lose about 6 inches of dirt a year, so the brothers decided it was time to build a little block wall. That is Eli with the sunglasses (him and his wife are going to be here for 2 years helping out), and Sady in the back behind Eli digging away.

Nyah found another langosta during the cleaning and that is what she is holding in her hand, she feels pretty brave when it can't fly around and stick to you.