Friday, September 24, 2010

First days in Costa Rica

We have arrived to Costa Rica! We got to our place last week, and we had our first meeting on Thursday. It was so nice to see all the friends again.

On Friday we went to the beach, we were pretty spent after the travel from the airport to our congregation which is about 4.5 hours by car, about 7 by bus, but we didn't do the bus route this time :-). So we took Friday off, and just relaxed, and jumped in the waves.

On Saturday we went out preaching in the moutains behind where we live. We were able to talk to some people that only see the witnesses once ever year or two. On the top of the mountains they have 2 towers for cell phones. It was pretty funny the brother with his cell phone looked to see if he had service, and like most other places in Santa Cruz, he still had NO bars...PURA VIDA :-)

We could see the pacific ocean from on top, and also about 50 kilometers down the beach on both sides. It was an amazing view. The white part in the pictures are the waves from the ocean.

Here are some of the pictures Nyah took because we forgot our camera...We had to cross this little bridge because of the rainy season, the river was too high to cross with our car...Probably could of but I didn't pay for the extra car insurance on the rental...Senor Barato o in english El Cheapo

We will post more pictures when we can...


  1. Tu blog es tan excellente! May Jehovah bless you in the work.

  2. Hey guys! I'm so happy that you're doing a blog. It's great to see little updates. That was an amazing view! Nice picture of Nyah and Perez, and is that the same little boy? I can't remember his name, but we went in service with him and Sadi last time.

    Keep them coming!

  3. Nice pix from the top of the mountain - no bars - like our new place ;) pura vida

