Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A little fun at the beach

On Monday's we get to have time to clean our place, and then have some relaxation. Last Monday we were able to go the beach. We went up north a little bit to Playa Grande. Its a nice surfing beach, and Nyah had her boogey. The waves were not too big, so it was good for me. I don't like to get tossed very much.

Here are some more pictures of some of our territory and the animals we see...It seems like there is always some big critters in our backyard. Tonight we saw some langosta (big locusts) about the size of my hand. They flew into our kingdom hall the other night, and landed on my pant leg...also landed on a sister from the states, but she didn't scream...Always an adventure with all the critters. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

A brother found a orange fruit that was kind of like a mango...So we decided to take a break.


  1. Big locust! I thought "langosta" was lobster :) love the beach pix too. Can't wait

  2. you should put on your camel hair suit and cook up that locust with a little honey!

  3. I love that bridge! How fun... And the beach. Ahh, how nice that sounds today. We have torrential downpours today, it's quite ugly...
