Monday, February 7, 2011

Trip to Roatan, Honduras

We were in Roatan for almost 2 weeks. We stayed with our Need Greater friends and we had a blast...Here are some pictures. When going through them again we were amazed at how many good pictures we have. We can't post them all but here are a few of them.

Snorkeling with the dolphins, this was an amazing experience we had probably 10 to 15 dolphins to just swim with, play, and touch. This place was about 5 minutes from where our friends lived in Sandy Bay.

This is a picture of our family for a week. Flynn needed to go back to the states to take care of some stuff. Louis' mom was on the mainland for a week, so we are stayed at Tomchuk's place and did service, studying, playing WII, and having lots of fun and good times...

On Sunday after the meeting Tanya invited some friends over to hang out. There was a family from Denmark who were on the island for almost 2 weeks vacationing.

This is a picture of Louis' older brother Shannon (Good soccer player, scores without moving much ;-). Also Tanya and Nyah on a little sugar high after some sweets.

The brothers on Roatan need to fly or take the ferry to the mainland when it is time for their assemblies. In January they were able to charter a small flight...You can image the coordination needed for this, so here some of the brothers talking it up...

Nyah the exploradora, finds an amazing huge starfish...We were swimming in the beach close to where we played volleyball, and she picked it up. Of course she wanted to keep it as a pet, but her parents told her NO.

We were in Roatan for part of their rainy season. We had a couple of days in service where it just poured...We stopped off at this beach resort, and as you tell it was PACKED... You can see the big storm coming in the distance...

This is a picture of the sign language group that meets with the english congregation. Tanya is learning sign, and Nyah was able to sit with her and practice. While we were there they got a new TV for the sign group which was so nice to so the deaf brothers really appreciate it.

The snorkeling in Roatan is incredible. You can go out at any beach and grab some fins and a snorkel and see amazing fish, squid, Conch, and much more. Here is Nyah and Vivi, after they went snorkeling.

This was our guard dog for the time we were there. Bruno saved corina from a 6 foot snake that she saw when we walked out the front door the fish night. Bruno could also fish, and he would just stare and wait to pounce and attack the fish. AWESOME DOG...he wouldn't come in the house either, he just waited outside until we said BEACH, and then he would jump in the back of the truck.

This was a beautiful beach on the east side of the island. We had lunch here during service. As you can see the water is just amazing...

Picture of the inside of the hall...

You can see the part of the 2nd largest reef in the world which surrounds Roatan. The waves are breaking on part of it. Great views from all over the island...


  1. hey i love your pics roatan looks awsome hope to see you soon

  2. It looks like Paradise there! Swimming with dolphins? Are you kidding me?! I think we know where we'll be headed for an "exit trip" :-) Love you guys...

  3. Would love to get in touch with Tanya. Lost her contact info. Could you please send her my email thank you
